The obvious answers is : Because 94% of Australians use Google to search the web. However, another valid answer which got quite a lot of attention is “We aren’t“. The point here is, that although Google is clearly very important for many site owners to generate traffic from Search… there are plenty of other ways – not necessarily search related that we could 9and should) be using to get visitors to our websites.
Stephen Grealy (from Grealy Good SEO) presented this session and detailed a range of different (not necessarily Google related) activities which site owners should be using to help generate traffic. Obviously the techniques used will be dependent on the niche, the products/services you are promoting, and where your target market “hang out” but many of the activities would be relevant to most site owners.
Stephen provided a detailed case study on a Molecular Food Kits website which was launched in July 2012 and through a variety of techniques, generated 10s of thousands of dollars in sales – before it even started to show up in Google rankings.
Some VERY important points raised were – “Don’t wait for Google” and “Treat you website as an online business, NOT just a website online“.
Outlined below are bullet points which highlight some of the suggested activities for improving your sites traffic and sales.
Attendees of this event will receive a link to the full slide pack…. If you’d like to learn more about optimising your own website, building traffic and growing your business online, make sure you come along to the Next Brisbane SEO event
Jon Whitehead from Metricks provided a very useful and informative presentation on the topic ‘understanding analytics’ and covered the following main areas :
Jon has very kindly provided a copy of the presentation - Understanding Analytics slide pack – and would be happy to answer any further questions you may have so feel free to contact him via at [email protected]
In case you missed the session and would like to learn a bit more about the basics of Analytics, you may be interested in attending a 2 hr Introduction To Web Analytics Workshop, in Brisbane next Thursday 17th of May (just $44).
If you were inspired by Jon’s presentation… and would like to get serious about maximising the benefits of analytics for your own site there is also a One Day Google Analytics Training Workshop in Brisbane on Friday 25th May, which will guide you through the most important features and functionality of New Google Analytics, and get to review, analyse and take action on on data from your own websites.
Thanks again to those who attended, come along to next months Brisbane SEO Meetup when we will be discussing SEO in a post penguin world
]]>Rather than limiting Keyword Analysis to the standard “Keyword Tools”, using the technqiues that Stepehen presented will give you and edge on your competitors and make it more likely for you to find powerful and lucrative keywords to base you optimisation on.
Although Stephen started of squeaky clean and “white”, the session did start to slide a little into “the dark side” as the evening progressed, but gave some great ways that keywords could be cleverly applied.
Stepehn has also provided the Slide Pack (Powerpoint format) from his presentation and a Keyword-Research-Template (Excel format) to help guide you through the procedures discussed.
Note: not all of the tools listed here are necessarily tried and tested – although most are tools widely used by SEO Professionals, there are also others which were suggested at the meetup that have been included here for completeness.
We attempted to group various tools into different categories (although some tools do belong in multiple categories). We’ve not of course been able to go into much detail here about how to use any of these tools but may (if there is enough interest) cover some of these SEO tools in detail at future SEO Meetups. Most of the tools listed below are free, some are paid, and many of the paid services also offer a free (cut down) version of the tool as well.
If there are any other SEO tools that you use and would like to contribute, please feel free to leave a comment.
Interestingly many of the “traditional” Keyword Tools used by SEO Pros (such as Wordstream, Keyword Discovery and Wordtracker) were felt to be of limited use to most attendees – although they can be very useful for very detailed analysis, because their data is sampled, and largely USA biased, for the most part they were not considered to be useful for Australia based keyword analysis considered.
Firefox was considered to be the web browser of choice for SEOs – largely because of it’s plugin capabilities , with other browsers (Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Flock etc) mainly only used for compatibility testing.
With WordPress becoming increasingly important as a blogging platform / Content management System (CMS) we felt that we simply had to inlcude some of the many SEO related plugins for WordPress
Pretty much the ONLY tool discussed was of course Google Analytics. Way too much about this tool to cover here, but it is likely to be the topic of a future Meetup.
We were pretty pleased to discover that noone was particularly interested in PageRank, and that even our clients had started to get the picture that PageRank in itself is not something worth obsessing about. However, ranking reports can be a quick and easy way to monitor the impact of SEO strategies over a period. Many of the SEO Suite based tools (see below) offer rank tracking tools.
There are hundreds of specialist tools that can be used for Conversion Optimisation – here are a few that were mentioned :
And the single most important tool for any self respecting SEO is of course… EXCEL. Excel is critical for Collating, Filtering, Analysing and Sorting the reams of data that most SEOs accumulate in their day to day activities.
about the author: Andy Henderson, one of the Brisbane SEO meetup organisers is a Brisbane SEO Consultant and also provides Website Training Workshops and WordPress Training/Consulting services in Brisbane and the Gold Coast.